This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Like a lot of you, I was eager to say something about the very suggestion that anybody's families or relationships could be "counterfeit," as was alleged at Saturday's LDS General Conference.

Mormon leaders laud 'traditional families,' warn against 'counterfeit' lifestyles — Peggy Fletcher Stack | The Salt Lake Tribune "Speaker after Mormon speaker warned Saturday about the need to defend "traditional families" — a legally married mother and father, who rear their children together — and about the dangers of "counterfeit and alternative lifestyles."

" 'Strong traditional families are not only the basic units of a stable society, a stable economy and a stable culture of values,' LDS apostle L. Tom Perry said in the morning session of the faith's 185th Annual General Conference, 'but ... they are also the basic units of eternity, and of the kingdom and government of God.'

"Perry, who at age 92 is the oldest Mormon apostle, lamented the media's glorification of 'immorality and amorality,' suggesting that it makes it harder to keep marriages and families intact. ..."

Like a lot of you, I feel better seeing Pat Bagley's reaction. Better, clearer, and less rage-filled, than most alternatives.