This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Trump forgets his criticism of Obama for golf, vacations. Utahns celebrate 'Not My President's Day." Lee says Trump offers conservatives a path.

Happy Tuesday. Donald Trump regularly assailed President Barack Obama for playing golf, then spent the first weekends of his own presidency doing just that. He attacked Obama for using Air Force One to campaign, and did it over the weekend just a month into the job. He mocked Obama for heading out of Washington at taxpayer expense, but appears to have no qualms about doing so himself. Trump, it appears, has forgotten all the complaints he had about his predecessor. [<a href="">Politico</a>]

<strong>Topping the news: </strong>Around 200 Utahns gathered for an alternative to Presidents Day, marching in protest of President Donald Trump and his administration from Salt Lake City's federal building to Washington Square for "Not My President's Day." [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>] [<a href=""; target="_blank">DNews</a>] [<a href="">ABC4</a>] [<a href=""; target="_blank">Fox13</a>]

-> A plan to establish a state park near historic Hole-in-the-Rock gained traction in the Legislature last week when lawmakers approved a request authorizing the Utah Division of State Parks and Recreation to pursue a land acquisition or lease agreement with the federal government. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Though Sen. Mike Lee said he didn't vote for Trump and has vocally disagreed with many of his policy decisions, he says Republicans should make the most of the new administration by advancing conservative policies. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

<strong>Tweets of the day: </strong>From <a class="ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex js-nav" href=""; target="_blank">@DeathStarPR</a>: "The LYING MEDIA keep reporting that Darth Vader killed Obi-Wan Kenobi. If so, where is the body? FAKE NEWS!"

-> From <a class="ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex js-nav" href=""; target="_blank">@LOLGOP</a>: "Please stop destroying my free speech by not paying me to speak at your function or giving me exorbitant book deals. Thanks."

<strong>Happy Birthday: </strong>To former state Rep. Laura Black and Sen. Orrin Hatch's state director, Melanie Bowen.

<strong>In other news: </strong>Some Utahns who had expected to be covered by a small Medicaid expansion in Utah by now are living life on hold, waiting for approval for the measure from the Trump administration. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

<p class="p1">-> Meanwhile, a record number of Utahns have signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, despite the uncertainty of the law's future. [<a href=""; target="_blank">ABC4</a>]</p>

-> Tourism officials in Oregon and Montana have expressed interest in hosting the Outdoor Retailer show after the convention exited Utah in protest of the state's public lands policies. [<a href=""; target="_blank">APviaDNews</a>]

<p class="p1">-> The Utah House Economic Development and Workforce Services Committee unanimously advanced a bill last week that would start a pilot program to provide housing assistance for low-income students. [<a href=""; target="_blank">DNews</a>]</p>

<p class="p1">-> When it comes to the ability of American colleges to provide access to individuals who come from low-income households, Brigham Young University was ranked as one of the worst. [<a href=""; target="_blank">KUTV</a>]</p>

<p class="p1">-> The University of Utah held a symposium to combat human trafficking. [<a href=""; target="_blank">KUTV</a>]</p>

<p class="p1">-> Members of Utah's Domestic Violence Coalition shared their stories with lawmakers last week in hopes that they will pass two bills — one that would restrict access to firearms for anyone convicted of domestic violence and another that would include strangulation in the definition for aggravated assault. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Fox13</a>]</p>

<p class="p1">-> A report from the Department of Justice showed that 82 airmen and women at the Hill Air Force Base were investigated for crimes — many of them sex offenses — between January 2013 and December 2014. [<a href=""; target="_blank">ABC4</a>]</p>

<p class="p1"><span style="line-height: 1.5;">-> </span>Nine months after Utah legislators enacted a law requiring fetuses receive anesthesia or painkillers before elective abortions starting at 20 weeks gestation, the only licensed clinic providing abortions in the state says no procedural changes have been made. [<a href=""; target="_blank">APviaDNews</a>]</p>

-> Pat Bagley explores an alternative world for women. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

-> Paul Rolly says former Senate President Michael Waddoups, the "ghost of liquor laws past," is waging a war against changes to Utah's liquor laws. [<a href=""; target="_blank">Trib</a>]

<strong>Nationally: </strong>President Donald Trump appointed military strategist Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster as his new national security adviser, filling the vacancy left by Michael Flynn. [<a href=""; target="_blank">TheHill</a>] [<a href=""; target="_blank">NYTimes</a>] [<a href=""; target="_blank">WaPost</a>] [<a href=""; target="_blank">CNN</a>]

-> Organizers of the Conservative Political Action Conference rescinded their booking of Breitbart Editor Milo Yiannopoulos after a video surfaced of him criticizing age-of-consent laws. [<a href=""; target="_blank">WaPost</a>] [<a href=""; target="_blank">NYTimes</a>] [<a href=""; target="_blank">BBCNews</a>]

<strong>Where are they?</strong>


<li>Rep. Mia <strong><a href=""; target="_blank">Love</a> </strong>attends small group meetings with 4th District constituents to discuss legislative priorities and issues.</li>

<li>Gov. Gary <strong><a href=""; target="_blank">Herbert</a> </strong>hits a ribbon cutting event for Thumbtack in Sandy, talks to the Council for a Strong America, sits down with legislative leaders.</li>

<li>Lt. Gov. Spencer <strong><a href=""; target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="">Cox</a> </strong>greets student visitors at the Capitol, hosts a lunch for legislative interns, films a Facebook Live episode with Sen. Jim Dabakis, hits a Utah Housing Corporation presentation and then meets with legislative leaders.</li>

<li>President Donald <strong><strong><a href="">Trump</a> </strong></strong>visits the National Museum of African American History and Culture before receiving his daily intelligence briefing and eating lunch with Tom Barrack, a private equity real estate investor and the founder, chairman and CEO of Colony Capital. Later, he receives a National Security Council briefing and has dinner with Vice President Mike Pence.</li>


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— Thomas Burr and Taylor Stevens

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