This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman has been off the radar since April when he said it was time for Republicans to rally around Donald Trump. Huntsman skipped the GOP convention and hasn't commented much on Trump.

But he did jump on Sidewire yesterday to chat with his daughter, Abby Huntsman, who is a Fox News reporter, about the presidential race and a few other interesting tidbits. Here's what we learned about Utah's former governor and one-time presidential candidate:

• Huntsman has an eclectic taste in music that includes some modern pop that might surprise you: "I have to say I have a strange affection for the music of Taylor Swift."

• He ducks his own daughter's question: Abby: "Would you ever get in the [S]enate to try and change the bipartisan nature today? It seems they are desperate for some leadership as well."

Huntsman: "Clearly this cycle was an extension of the anger infused into politics in 2010, and carried through 2012. The American people aren't angry, but rather deeply concerned about the state of their nation and want solutions. And want to believe once again that the machinery of politics can yield something of benefit to the taxpayers and voters who make it all possible." Note: He didn't answer.

• High school elections trump Trump: Abby: "We thought 2012 was a crazy race!"

Huntsman: "This election has been the worst in my lifetime, with the exception of my run for senior class president, which was a disaster."

• Huntsman's interesting word choice: Huntsman: "I'm glad you can't see my face, because I've had a sourpuss look ever since the election began."

Abby: "Sourpuss...can't remember the last time I heard that word."

• Huntsman thinks Trump can still pull this out: "In 77 days anything can happen."

— Thomas Burr and Matt Canham

Editor's note: The owner and publisher of The Salt Lake Tribune is Paul Huntsman, who is the brother of Jon Huntsman Jr.