This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

It will soon cost more to visit Arches and Canyonlands National Park or take a guided hike through the Fiery Furnace in Arches.

Entrance fees at the two parks will increase from $10 to $25 a vehicle on October 1. Park officials say the increases will fund maintenance projects.

"These fee increases will allow us to continue protecting, preserving and sharing Arches and Canyonlands National Parks with current and future visitors," said Superintendent Kate Cannon. "After careful consideration of the impacts of a fee increase on visitors and the community, we have concluded that this is the right thing to do in order to improve park facilities and important visitor services."

To encourage visitors to enter the park during less crowded times, Arches National Park also plans to periodically offer reduced entrance fees for private vehicles at off-peak hours. They will be $10 per vehicle, with notices posted at the Moab Information Center and the park website.

Campround fees are also going up from $20 to $25 a night at Devils Garden in Arches; $10 to $15 a night at Willow Flat in Canyonlands; and $15 to $20 at Squaw Flat in Canyonlands.

Fees for ranger-led tours at the Fiery Furnace are going up from $10 to $16 for adults and $5 to $8 for children. Private permits to see the area are increase from $4 to $6 for adults and $2 to $3 for children.

Entrance fees to Natural Bridges National Monument will increase from $6 to $10 per private vehicle but the $10 per night cmaping fee will remain the see. Entrance fees at Hovenweep were eliminated and the camping fee remains at $10 per night.

According to National Park Service officials, the added money will include upgrades of vault toilets, expansion of parking areas and improvement of backcountry campsites. It will also be used to create new picnic facilities, rehabilitate hiking trails and repair road shoulders.