This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." — Henry Kissinger

I dunno, Henry. Around here, power seems more interested in being a real buzzkill.

— Video: 'We're not trying to ban masturbation,' says Sen. Todd Weiler — Rich Kane | The Salt Lake Tribune

Cue the media frenzy:

" ... Psychology Today described the legislative action as 'based on hyperbole and morality, ignoring much of what is known about pornography and its effects.' It continued: 'Further, the Senator's resolution relies on pseudoscience in a manner which has no place in governmental action.'..."

" ... Utah has the dubious honor of being the top porn-subscribing state in the U.S., according to a Harvard Business School professor's study. ..."

" ... Dr. Carl Shubs, a psychologist in Beverly Hills, California, who specializes in issues of sexuality, said calling pornography a public health crisis is 'way off on so many levels.'

"Shubs said anything can be addictive, but that many people find pornography enjoyable and use it in a healthy way. Some couples watch it to enhance their relationships, and some without partners view pornography it to fill a void, he said. ..."

Meanwhile, back in Utah:

" ... The evolutionary electro-chemical make-up of healthy young people isn't just telling them that sex is OK. It is telling them that it is mandatory. Luckily, there are enough counterweights offered by families, morals, shyness, fear, acne and good taste to reduce premature sexual behavior.

"Real, comprehensive sex education, complete with factual information about contraception, would be another valuable tool in that kit. Sadly, Utah schools cannot offer that because state law insists on a thoroughly disproven (Bristol Palin) approach called abstinence-only. ..."

Battle over sex education returning to Utah Legislature — Lee Davidson | The Salt Lake Tribune

" ... "Knowledge is power. I don't believe in keeping our kids ignorant," said House Democratic Leader Brian King who introduced HB246 to allow comprehensive sex education.

"But Gayle Ruzicka, president of the conservative Utah Eagle Forum promised to fight the move.

" 'Comprehensive sex education is all about teaching children that it's OK to have sex as long as they use a condom. It just doesn't work,' she said. ..."

Despite opposition, Senate OKs workplace breast-feeding bill — Robert Gehrke | The Salt Lake Tribune
